Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dandelions in the Breeze


A wish
doesn’t exist
But it nags
It persists
Tells you
it will come through
If you believe as you
used to.
 And no matter how much
you want to resist it
Deep down you miss it.
 You awake as you wander to sleep
return to a time when dreams and wishes
were still lucid
A cool drink
sailing on a lazy summer breeze
Your mind at ease
Worries gone
a complete release.
A time when all we had was trust
The thrill of falling
without have to look back
Not being on the defense or the attack
We’d lay under the soothing sun tanning our skin
for hours; minutes unwinding
 We wrapped in each others arms
protected from harm
We’d blow dandelion wishes
in between kisses
clouds rolling by as we said goodbye
The daylight cuts through
the curtains; severing you from me
You lay in bed slowly waking
saturated, shaking haunted by this
memory of a life that ends
upon waking.
Dedicated to you loveliness by Zach Knox